Monday, March 16, 2009

Greener Production

I attended the DGA "Shoot it Green" meeting on Saturday and learned a lot about how we can make our productions "Greener",
which means basically, finding ways to reduce our carbon footprint in the act of making movies and tv shows.

There will soon be a web-site dedicated to all the on-going efforts that are being made by productions who have implemented greener production techniques and I plan to work with that list to produce a memo at the start of each production, outlining how we will be implementing these new practices. In many cases the greener production practices will reduce the overall cost of production.

Some of the green practices that have already begun include using water canteens instead of buying water bottles, using bio-diesel fuel, reducing trucking, re-using lumber from set construction, using glasses and real plates, separating and recycling garbage, economizing office supplies, recycling unit supplies, and using less paper.

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